Rat on a beach, ice cream graphic
Rat on a beach, ice cream graphic

Forget Hot Girl Summer — Here’s Why We’re All About Rat Girl Summer

We’re all about embracing your feral side this summer.

Hot Girl Summer may have been the vibes since 2019, but now’s the time to drop the bikini-ready attitude and live your true authentic rodent self (albeit, a bit cuter maybe).

And no, we’re not telling you to rummage through bins or take a trip to the sewer. We mean snacking to your heart’s content, being nosey, and releasing your mischievousness. Sounds like me every day of the year. 

Hot Girl Summer’s little sister

You might be mistaken in thinking Rat Girl Summer is related to goblin mode — being unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, and putting you and your needs first (A.K.A binge watching on the sofa for the whole summer, eating crisps). But, while it channels the same IDGAF attitude, Rat Girl Summer is more free and sociable. Think of it as Hot Girl Summer’s little rebellious sister.

Rat Girl Summer is embodying your mischievous side, causing mayhem, hitting up all the summer events you have planned and letting yourself enjoy your summer. No body-shaming, no diets — just ice cream, good vibes and hopefully some gossip.

And we’re so here for it.

The phrase ‘Rat Girl Summer’ has been coined by TikTok creator and screenwriter, Lola.

She states that there are some rules for Rat Girl Summer however, saying ‘you have to go outside, you cannot scurry in bed, you cannot scurry on your couch.’

It’s all about getting out, socialising, meeting new people, and seeing where it takes you.

Lola also mentions you need to be ‘eating nourishing meals so you make mischief and cause mayhem…we’re eating and having fun.’ Damn right, too. Spend your days picnicking, going to BBQs, swimming in ice cream — rats don’t ask for permission.

The TikTok creator also wants to kill the idea of cringe.

‘We’re killing the cringe…whatever you drive, your whimsy, is telling you that you want to do, follow that urge’.

This summer is all about being spontaneous and not getting hung up on what anyone else thinks. Banish your inner critic, be free and do what you want. Go with your intuition, just like rats do.

No thoughts, just do.

Think we’ll be channelling Rat Girl all year long TBH. What about you?

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