Lidl Wants To Pay You £20k If You Help Them Out With One Task 

Think how many bakery items you can buy with £20k.

Lidl is a student’s best friend. Not only can you get everything for so much cheaper than other supermarkets, but the Lidl bakery is probably the best thing to ever exist. You can literally get muffins, croissants, doughnuts, and chocolate twists for less than £1, what’s not to like?

Plus, the middle aisle has some of the best random items to equip your student house. From air fryers to garden tools, you can literally find everything in Lidl.

That’s why it’s great news that Lidl is looking to open even more new stores across the UK. While we love Lidl, our biggest complaint is that they don’t offer home delivery, which means you either need to trek to a store or have a car (or a flatmate with a car) if you actually want to do your weekly shop there.

While it’s great to have a local Lidl if you have a car, if you don’t have a car you might not actually have a Lidl near you and it might not be practical to trek to one on the bus or train just for the bakery (although, totally understandable and acceptable to do so).

If you don’t have a local Lidl or would love to have one a bit closer to your house, now’s your time to shine as Lidl is expanding and wants your help— and wants to pay you to do it.

Why is Lidl paying people 20k?

As part of its expansion plan, new Lidl stores will already be opening in Bristol, Birmingham, and Berwick as well as new London stores in Fulham, Canning Town, Wandsworth, and Hoxton in the coming months.

However, Lidl is still looking for the perfect location to open some new stores and is already eyeing up Woking, Leeds, Liverpool, Edinburgh, and other areas in London as potential locations.

Of course, it’s not easy to identify where to open a new supermarket, especially when it comes to sourcing a location big enough or in a place where people would actually want to shop. So, Lidl is looking for people to do that hard work for them and identify a suitable place to open a new store.

The sites will need to be in prominent locations with easy access and strong pedestrian or traffic flow— so anywhere in your uni town or city sounds ideal. The space would also need to be at least 18,000 to 26,500 sq ft and either a freehold, leasehold, or long leasehold space, with enough room for over 100 dedicated parking spaces.

If you manage to successfully identify a suitable space for a new Lidl store, you’ll be paid a finder’s fee of either 1.5% of the total freehold purchase price or 10% of the first year’s rent for leaseholds, which is roughly £20,000.

So, if you’ve noticed an empty retail space or abandoned store near you that would be perfect for a Lidl store, this is your chance to actually have a say in the new store location and get some serious cash for it too.

Just think how many bakery items you could buy with £20,000!

If you actually think you know a suitable location for the job, you can contact Lidl directly on their website and let them know right here.