Struggling To Sell On Vinted? These Hacks Will Guarantee You £££ 

Here’s how you can *actually* sell your items on Vinted.

If you signed up to Vinted thinking that you’d be selling all your unwanted clothes and raking in the cash in no time, only to have bags of unsold clothes still lying around you’re not alone.

Actually, selling on Vinted it a bit of an art that needs to be perfected and it’s not as easy as people think. Let’s face it, unless your prices are super low you’re always going to be competing with other sellers and you might think it’s reasonable to sell a virtually brand new pair of trainers for £40 but there will always be someone selling them for a tenner.

Not to mention, buyers asking you to reduce your £5 item to £1 which makes the thought of having to trek to the post office or In Post lockers very unappealing knowing you’re hardly making anything from the sale.

However, if you really want to shift your old clothes it’s totally possible to be making over £300 a month and loads of people do but it can definitely take some time and work.

If you’re struggling to sell on Vinted, these are the hacks you need to try to actually make some £££ this year.


The never ending vinted pile 🤦🏼‍♀️ Vinted Account – nextinlineclothing #vinted #vintedfinds #trendingsong #decluttering #declutteryourlife


1. Reupload items that aren’t selling

You don’t have to drastically reduce items that aren’t selling. Instead, you could reupload but copy the description you’ve already uploaded and screenshot your existing photos. This mean you can reupload easily and quickly without having to put too much work in. Relisting will help to boost your items to a new audience, so it’s worth trying if you’ve had it listed for a while.

2. Take better photos

Yeah doing a whole photoshoot for a £5 Primark top but seem like a lot of effort, but buyers like to see how the clothes actually look, rather than seeing something on a hanger. The better your photos are, the more chances you have of someone wanting to buy, especially if you show the items in good lighting and styled with other items. It might seem like hard work, but it should pay off.

3. Offer bundles

If someone buys more than one item from your Vinted store they can get a discount if you have bundles turned on. This can be a great incentive to get people to buy more of your items and get rid of more of your unwanted stuff in one go.

4. Upload on Sundays

Apparently this is the busiest day for shopping on Vinted? So make sure you’re uploading anything new on Sunday’s as you might have a higher chance of it getting sold.

5. Be realistic about the price

Let’s say you have a brand new pair of shoes, in the box and unworn. Of course, you want to get a decent amount of money for them but unfortunately, Vinted is all about scoring bargains. You’ll probably find lots of people are listing the same item, brand new for nearly full price but no one wants to buy it— after all, they’d just buy it new if they wanted to pay that much. But if you reduce the price quite drastically, you’re definitely going to sell it to someone. You might lose some money, but you’ll get a quick sale, and if you do this for all your items you’ll soon be making back money quickly.

If you want to sell something for nearly full price, you better stick to Depop.

6. Make your listing accurate

Don’t use loads of irrelevant tags or mention other brands in the listing as a way of giving your item visibility, as honestly, this is really annoying. Make sure you nail the title and put as much accurate detail as possible in the description and tags. Adding measurements is also a great way to show people how an item will fit, and shows that you’ve put some effort into the listing. Trust us, it might be annoying but an accurate and descriptive listing will pay off in the long run.

It might be hard to sell everything, but there are girlies on TikTok making thousands a month off Vinted, so it can definitely work with a bit of hard work and time.