Pink haired girl texting
Pink haired girl texting

The 5 Awkward Messages You’ll Probably Send This Freshers

Frenemies are made in the flat Whatsapp group.

Ahhh. Freshers. What a time to be a fresh-faced student, ready for a world of deadlines, lectures, and living with strangers. What could possibly happen?

Freshers’ Week is one of the most anticipated events on the calendar for university hopefuls. A week or two of fun, socialising, and most likely a few awkward mishaps, texts, and encounters. But that’s what freshers are for. Think of it as your official onboarding for the next three or four years of uni life.

Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Disagreements over the washing up, flat flings, missing lectures — are you even a student if you haven’t done at least one of those things?

And your partner-in-crime, the Robin to your Batman? VOXI, the mobile network that puts you in charge. Why VOXI, we hear you ask? Well…

  • All plans come with UNLIMITED SOCIAL MEDIA — as a standard, any plan you choose with VOXI comes with Unlimited Social Media, great for those of us who spend hours scrolling and browsing!
  • You’ll get UNLIMITED CALLS AND TEXTS to UK numbers — helping you to explain yourself after texting blunders. Also ideal for gossiping on the phone all night with your high school bestie about your freshers experience.
  • You can listen to UNLIMITED MUSIC — for any plans from £12/month and above, you can enjoy listening to your favourite tracks on repeat, 24/7, on your selected music apps like Spotify and Apple music (to name a few). Dance to your heart’s content and drown out the sounds of your flatmate’s complaining.
  • Enjoy UNLIMITED VIDEO — from £15/month, stream your favourite video content without worrying about how much data you have left. Includes Youtube, TikTok, Netflix and Prime Video. Ideal for binge-watching or learning how to cook meals with Youtube tutorials.

With VOXI, you can distract yourself from the awkward messages and encounters that you might experience over freshers.

And to help you, we have some incredible VOXI student discounts — including a 30GB plan with 5G for £10 AND you’ll have Unlimited Social Media and one month free. Tempted? Of course you are.

The 5 awkward messages you’ll probably send this Freshers

Everyone will have a moment of madness or an embarrassing encounter during Freshers. It’s what makes the experience! It happens to the best of us, so laugh it off with your mates — they’ve probably sent something even worse.

Here are some of the messages you might (almost definitely will) send over Freshers.

Texting your ex

Screenshot of messages texting ex

Without your hometown bestie by your side, who else is going to stop you from texting that ex you dated for 4 months, over a year ago?

The adrenaline of starting uni and meeting new people from all walks of life, may lead you to send some risky texts. You might feel a bit lonely, or overwhelmed by meeting new people and end up reaching out to own flames for some comfort.

We’re warning you not to do it, but you won’t listen to us, will you?

Luckily, you’ll have UNLIMITED SOCIAL MEDIA (which is included in all plans) — allowing you to connect with your friends before you make a bad decision, or before you send a very regretful Instagram DM (we’ve all been there).

Enjoy all your fave social apps without it eating away at your data. And with UNLIMITED MUSIC, you can get all up in your feels and listen to heartbreak tunes on repeat, without your data being used up.

Missing lectures

Missed lecture text

Partying and socialising — errr, we mean, staying up late to finish assignments — will have you wanting to spend the next day in bed and avoiding the lecture hall. We don’t blame you, those 9am lectures are hard enough to attend rested and wide-awake.

While we’re sure you’ll ‘try again tomorrow’, make sure you’re up to speed on any classes you’ve missed with VOXI’s 5G on plans and Unlimited Video streaming from just £15/month. No more lagging downloads or buffering, have your mates send you lesson plans and lecture recordings without waiting painfully for downloads.

Homesickness texts

Maybe it’s the first time you’ve been away from the family home, maybe uni nerves have started to creep up on you. In the first few weeks, you’re bound to frantically text your parents back at home:

‘Mum, Dad, come get me please. I hate it here. I think there’s a rat in the kitchen…’

Followed by: ‘Can I reheat nuggets in the microwave?’

Many of us would be lost without our families, which is why VOXI is the best option for those of you miles away from your hometown.

VOXI runs on the Vodafone network, which has just been awarded the best network in London. Perfect for those long calls with your nearest and dearest, telling them how much you miss them. Awww.

Plus, with UNLIMITED CALLS AND TEXTS you can keep up to date with all your friends and family while you’re away from them. We’re sure they’ll be checking up on you, too! Just try and avoid texting your mum every week asking how to use the washing machine.

Ignored by the group chat

Ignored by uni flat

Freshers’ Week means meeting your new housemates, which is equally exciting as it is nerve-wracking. And once the buzz settles down, it’s back to reality. Cooking, cleaning and awkward silences on the group Whatsapp.

You’d had enough of the dirty kitchen and decided to get it sorted. But, not your mess, not your problem? Group chat it is, then. Only for everyone to leave you on read and the sink is still housing a mountain of pasta-stained dishes. Sigh.

At least with VOXI’s Unlimited Video streaming, you’ll be able to distract yourself from your flatmate’s mess by streaming your favourite content and shows — includes Youtube, Youtube Shorts, Prime Video, and TikTok. Combined with 5G it’s a killer combo!

Flat flings

flat flings texts

Freshers’ Week is all about getting to know your fellow university newbies and settling in before the hard grind starts. And of course, that means getting to know all the eye-candy on campus.

We’re not here to tell you what to do, but keep in mind that no matter how attractive your flatmates are, it’s best not to get too involved with them so soon, if you know what we mean? You don’t want any awkward encounters in the kitchen…

But, if you have been tempted by the charm of your fellow flatmate, you can console your emotions with VOXI Drop.

With VOXI as your mobile network of choice, each month they’ll send you an email informing you of the latest ‘VOXI Drop’. You can then log onto your online account to open your VOXI Box which will reveal the prize or offer of the month. The best way to cheer yourself up!

VOXI Drop codes are available on a first come, first served basis – when they’re gone, they’re gone! Keep an eye on your emails or follow VOXI on Instagram or Twitter to make sure you don’t miss out.

Not signed up with VOXI yet? (how very dare you?!) No worries! You can ditch your current network without the drama – it’s super simple.

Check out our Student Beans’ VOXI student discounts — including a 30GB plan with 5G for £10 AND you’ll have UNLIMITED SOCIAL MEDIA and one month free. Amazing!

One text that we know will go down well is sharing a dreamy but budget-friendly recipe to your housemate chat.

Better yet, browse our meals that got us through Uni recipe playlist and send a tempting text to let your pals know you’ll be whipping them up a delicious dinner tonight.