Chipotle Is Giving Away Free Food Every Single Day

Chipotle wants to give you free food—for a whole year.

Who doesn’t want to feel like a celebrity every single day? And who doesn’t like free food? Well, thanks to Chipotle, you have the chance to feel like a celebrity and get free food for an entire year. How? Allow us to introduce you to the Chipotle Celebrity Card.

5 lucky people will receive their own exclusive Chipotle Celebrity Card, including perks you wouldn’t believe. Scroll to find out how you can win the celebrity status—but only for a very limited time.

What is the Chipotle Celebrity Card?

The Chipotle Celebrity Card has been shrouded in myth and legend for years now. Normally, it’s only given to the elite: athletes, artists, musicians, or influencers. But this year, they decided to widen the pool, if only just a bit.

“Given that the word ‘celebrity’ comes from ‘celebrate,’ we realized there is no group more deserving of a celebration than our everyday super fans,” said Chris Brandt, Chief Brand Officer at Chipotle in the press release. “We are expanding on what it means to be a Chipotle celebrity and relaunching the program to deepen our connections with our most devoted guests.”

Perks of the Chipotle Celebrity Card

If you’re one of the lucky 5 people to have access to the Chipotle Celebrity Card, here’s everything that’s included:

  • One free Chipotle meal per day
  • Free catering for up to 50 people once during the year

Send in your application by July 3 in order to be eligible.

The Chipotle Celebrity Card dates all the way back to 2003. A musician/television star gave Chipotle a major shoutout on their reality TV show, and the Chipotle Celebrity Card was born. More celebrity card have been issues since then, although the terms and qualifications for getting one still remain a mystery.

How to Apply for the Chipotle Celebrity Card

Applying for the Chipotle Celebrity Card is surprisingly easy. The “application” is posted on LinkedIn, of all places. Chipotle wanted to make the application accessible to their target demographic—Gen Z.

Since Gen Z is now officially entering the professional world, they’re quickly dominating the workforce. In fact, 21% of LinkedIn members are Gen Z.

The application even has a LinkedIn Easy Apply, giving you zero excuses not to send in your name for the Chipotle Celebrity Card. When sending in your application, you need to include something (an essay, video, photo, poem, artwork, song, whatever) explaining why the Chipotle Celebrity Card should be yours. Just be sure to include it in the “resume” section of the application.

Ready to send in your application? Click here. The winners will be contacted via email by July 12.