Those eligible to purchase from the Qualifying Location are as follows:
● a full-time or part-time student aged 18 or over with a current student union card or student
● identification card and studying at or accepted into an accredited Australian university or other Apple- approved institution; or
● a lecturer or staff member at an accredited Australian university; or
● a teacher or lecturer working at an Apple-approved and registered education establishment within Australia; or
● a parent purchasing on behalf of their child, who is a student currently attending or accepted into an accredited Australian university or other Apple-approved institution.
● Additionally, products purchased from the Qualifying Location must be for your own personal, education, or research use.
● We may require evidence of your eligibility. We reserve the right to cancel some of or part of your order if we become aware that you are not a student, teacher or lecturer as set out above or if your purchases are not for your own personal, education, or research use. If we cancel your order in these circumstances, we will inform you in writing and refund any money that you may have paid.
● Apple may approve and register an education establishment in its sole discretion.