ODEON 20% Student Discount


JanSport Student Discounts

Bags and outdoor gear to equip you for great adventures and the kind that happen every day. We’re committed to making durable, functional, versatile products you can count on, whether you’re headed into a long day, out with friends or going off the grid. It’s what we’ve been doing since 1967.

1 Available Student Discount



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Student Beans Guarantee

Here at Student Beans, we aim to connect leading brands to our audience of over 163 million students in 50+ countries worldwide. With access to student-exclusive discounts at over 10,000 stores online and on the high street – including Gymshark, McDonald’s, Amazon Prime and many more – Student Beans unlocks more student discounts than any other student ID card. We regularly hand-test all our discount codes to ensure they’re working as they should, too, so you can be confident in using the deals and discounts you see on Student Beans.